Great Mailing Lists Sources

The best-looking direct mail piece is pointless if you have nowhere to send it.
We have here our best sources for compiling your awesome mailing list.
1. Your children’s sports organizations.
Let your fellow “soccer moms” and “softball dads” know you’re in the real estate business.
2. Chambers of commerce.
Your local chamber may have lists of specialty groups that fit your business specialty, such as minority business owners or attorneys. Depending on the chamber’s guidelines, you can purchase a list directly or advertise in the chamber’s publication and get a list as part of the advertising fee.
3. Local employer staff lists.
Employers often publish employee magazines or newsletters. If you can purchase the roster, you’ll get exposure to a large number of professionals in the area. In the case of a hospital, it’s an essential step if you specialize in serving the real estate needs of medical professionals.
4. Universities and colleges.
Institutions of higher learning often have lists of entrepreneurs and alumni in certain regions. Check with the public affairs department, or your alma mater, for the availability of this information.
5.Your place of worship or other nonprofit organization to which you belong.
You most certainly have a membership roster. Let other members know that if they buy or sell a home through you, you’ll donate a percentage of your commission back to the group.