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How To Get Listings As A New Realtor

The biggest problem that new real estate agents face is getting listings. Getting sellers to list with you instead of buyers to list with you guarantees you get a commission if the property sells.

If you’re working with a buyer, and you don’t have a buyer’s listing agreement, then you risk losing your client — and thus, your commission. Below are tips for getting listings as a new agent.

1. Call Everyone

Grab your phone and start going into your contacts. Call anyone and everyone you can, and slowly build your network, even if it means going out for coffee or drinks with people you barely know.

Make sure you talk about real estate and ask where they’re living, if they’re planning on moving and anything else related to real estate. Connections are key in this business because even if they don’t need your help now, chances are they could use your help down the line, or they know of someone they could refer to you.

2. Cold call and Door-knock

If you can, call as early in the morning as possible. Property owners usually sign up with either the first or second agent who calls them. So be persistent, and call early and often. It’s even better if you can create a face-to-face relationship as early as possible, so offer to meet them in person if you can.

3. Post it on Social Media

Social media is a very powerful tool, not only for sales, but also for recognition. It may not get people jumping to list homes with you, but it will bring clients in slowly and surely.

4. Go to local real estate offices

Being in real estate means breathing, living and dreaming about real estate. Don’t be shy, go up to people, introduce yourself, and pass out your card. Walk in and introduce yourself. You never know where your next real estate allies will come from. Building relationships is the name of the game, and it’s not done behind a computer screen.

5. Invest in Yourself

Ads take a lot of impressions to create and build comfort with a brand. It’s not cheap, but anything you invest in for yourself, whether it be ads, flyers, business cards or email blasts, will eventually payoff in dividends.

Being a successful real estate agent isn’t about some magical formula, it’s constantly pushing and following up. It’s about making things happen and serving your clients’ needs.

- Desired Real Estate Services

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