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Personal Characteristics That Fuel Your Brand

Our genetics, family dynamics, personal experiences, education, occupation, beliefs, and spiritual connections help shape the person we become. This mixture of characteristics can create a desired (or undesired) outcome when it comes to both relationships and business. With this thought in mind, here’s a list of characteristics that are inherent in every strong personal real estate brand.


Difficulties will arise, and you’ll inevitably face rejection, failures, and shortcomings. Real estate is known for its cyclical nature, and every agent has felt that roller-coaster effect. The capacity to recover and adapt as quickly as possible to challenges or changes in the industry is a trait shared by strong, resilient people.


This is perhaps the trait most necessary to cultivate a strong brand. Your personal brand is an extension of everything that makes you a complex being of character.


The strongest brands are prepared to roll with the punches, pivot, and shift with each sharp turn in the market. This includes the ability to adapt to your customers’ needs from their point of view and understanding. The ability to adapt to a changing landscape is one of the greatest strengths in the sales arena.

Many real estate professionals are confident in performing the task at hand but not about boldly promoting themselves. It’s wiser to separate confidence from humility when it comes to branding. Your personal brand should not have a “look at me” approach; it should be more focused on a “look what I can do for you” approach.


Being recognized as an expert in your field is the edge that pushes your brand over the bow. All the other traits are admirable and even necessary, but without knowledge and expertise, most people are not viewed as a true professional. Embrace an ongoing quest for knowledge through continuing your education, observing other professionals, and participating in your community to become the best in your industry and craft.

April 1, 2021.Realtor Magazine.9 Personal Characteristics That Fuel Your Brand.

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